Living in a ROC
Living in a ROC community is different than living in a commercially-owned park. This type of community living is unique – homeowners in resident-owned communities are not simply tenants in a park, they are
Members of a ROC and
owners of a business. As a Member of the ROC, it is important to understand that:
- The ROC is a non-profit corporation incorporated under section 35-2-118 of the Montana Code Annotated, Non-profit Corporations. It is owned by its Members. Individual homeowners do not own the land underneath their neighborhood; the ROC does.
- The ROC has Member-approved Bylaws which spell out how the business is governed.
- The ROC is democratically governed by a one-Member, one vote system. Each Memberhousehold has equal decision-making authority.
- New homeowners moving into the ROC are required to become Members and enter into an Lease Agreement,
binding them to the Bylaws and Community Rules.
- Members elect a Board of Directors to carry out the day-to-day tasks of running the ROC. The Board then appoints committees to take on other tasks.
- Members have control over big decisions, such as carrying charges (rent), approving the annual budget, electing a Board and amending the Bylaws or Community Rules.
- Members can be expelled from the ROC (which is different than being evicted
from the community) for obstructing the management of the ROC. This is a serious matter and not to be taken lightly – Members who are expelled lose voting privileges and typically pay a higher lot rent.
The Board and the appointed Committee Members must adhere to the ROC’s Bylaws and Rules, as well as to state and federal laws. They are also ROC Members and are accountable to their fellow Members. They must run the ROC in a fair, consistent, democratic and business-like manner.
ROC Membership has rewards, rights and responsibilities. The strength of a resident-owned community is directly related to the participation and commitment of its Members. By participating in the ROC, Members can help reduce costs, build a vibrant neighborhood and grow as leaders. Participation includes everything from baking brownies for the annual community barbecue to operating the well system, from an hour a month to a two-year commitment on the Board of Directors.